Adam's Maxims
- "Understandable" is better than "correct"
which is better than "fast".
- You can never have too much error logging.
- In mathematics, computer programming, and vacuuming, the edges are
always the hardest parts.
- Error messages are there for a reason: fix them!
- The time spent on a software project should be divided roughly as
follows: 40% for testing, 45% for documentation, and 15% for
coding. In practice, the time you will spend will be 95% for coding,
4.999% for testing, and 0.001% for documentation.
- Never drink orange juice right after brushing your teeth.
- Programming is hard; user interface design is very, very, very,
very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very hard.
- Make testing easy: build it into the code.
- Not cleaning up temporary files is asking for touble.
(Corollary: Troubleshooting tip: did you run out of disk space? Hmmm?)